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Affiliates Welcome!

Dear professional 

 we are writing to give you the head’s up, that Surfskinoil has come to town 

.. we do things a little differently to most … 


We have just three questions for you 

and if you answer yes to all three , we could be a match !! 


  • would you like to promote equality in the water across every ocean? 
  • would you like to promote the benefits of natural medicine for surfers? 
  • would you like to have the opportunity to become part of our founding team of shareholding influencers,  a team that will truly work to create a better earth? and earn monthly profits from the brand that you work so hard to support


If so reply with “That’s what’s in my heart and exactly the kind of deal I’ve been looking for “ and we’ll be in touch. 

you know it’s time be part of a fanatic community, which means for a better planet, because together we thrive .